PK has earned nearly Rs 600 crore: Aamir Khan

At the DVD launch event of his film PK, actor Aamir Khan calculated that the film has so far earned a whopping Rs 600 crore. "Roughly the net collection in India is around Rs 340 crore and overseas is Rs 170 crore. So the net business is over Rs 500 crore and the gross may be Rs 600-650 crore," he said. Watch more videos:


  1. काल भैरव मंदिर - मध्य प्रदेश के उज्जैन शहर से करीब 8 कि.मी. दूर कालभैरव मंदिर स्थित है। भगवान कालभैरव को प्रसाद के तौर पर केवल शराब ही चढ़ाई जाती है। शराब से भरे प्याले कालभैरव की मूर्ति के मुंह से लगाने पर वह देखते ही देखते खाली हो जाते हैं। मंदिर के बाहर भगवान कालभैरव को चढ़ाने के लिए देसी शराब की आठ से दस दुकानें लगी हैं।

    मंदिर में शराब चढ़ाने की गाथा भी बेहद दिलचस्प है। यहां के पुजारी बताते हैं कि स्कंद पुराण में इस जगह के धार्मिक महत्व का जिक्र है। इसके अनुसार, चारों वेदों के रचयिता भगवान ब्रह्मा ने जब पांचवें वेद की रचना का फैसला किया, तो उन्हें इस काम से रोकने के लिए देवता भगवान शिव की शरण में गए। ब्रह्मा जी ने उनकी बात नहीं मानी। इस पर शिवजी ने क्रोधित होकर अपने तीसरे नेत्र से बालक बटुक भैरव को प्रकट किया। इस उग्र स्वभाव के बालक ने गुस्से में आकर ब्रह्मा जी का पांचवां मस्तक काट दिया। इससे लगे ब्रह्म हत्या के पाप को दूर करने के लिए वह अनेक स्थानों पर गए, लेकिन उन्हें मुक्ति नहीं मिली। तब भैरव ने भगवान शिव की आराधना की। शिव ने भैरव को बताया कि उज्जैन में क्षिप्रा नदी के तट पर ओखर श्मशान के पास तपस्या करने से उन्हें इस पाप से मुक्ति मिलेगी। तभी से यहां काल भैरव की पूजा हो रही है। कालांतर में यहां एक बड़ा मंदिर बन गया। मंदिर का जीर्णोद्धार परमार वंश के राजाओं ने करवाया था। 
  2.  Aamir should apologize for making such a flop film. The crores it earned was the direct result of 'artificial' twitter war created over the internet. Your team should apologize for that too. And if possible, return those crores to the public now...
  3. People saw the film PK, not because its good. But it became controversy. Though the film insulted all religions 98% it was insulting Hinduism and all those non Hindus and atheist saw the film. There is no meaning in apologizing now as you know very well that you will be hurting the belief of millions by insulting them. The writers produces or actors need not take up the responsibility to educated about religions as they have not learnt about it or fully practicing it. If they want to correct any malpractice they should also be telling people what each Achara actually means. You all made crores by insulting my belief and million others. Will you dare to criticize the same level other regions as you did for Hinduism?. This film is an attack on my belief of God. Nobody has any right to criticize others God as God is higher than Parents and relatives. If you all make a film insulting my mother, father or sister, do you think you have the right to do that and I will be happy and that I will not curse you and react. The same way as you have insulted my Lord Siva, Sri Krishna, Sri Rama and about or Saints I curse you that all money you have made out of it will go waste and pray God to give you good brains to understand the beauty, psychological, and physical merits imbedded in Indian Philosophy and practices. You say that you did not mean to insult and you want to teach people. Are you a fully perfect person? Are you able to provide the same mental peace a person gains when he pray just in front of a stone imagining that its God. Any fool very well knows that all idols are just made of stone. They don't say that Oh Stone help me. They see their loving God in it. As a child draws unclear picture of this parents and write against it father and mother. He knows the picture is not his parents. You all should read some books of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Chinmayananda Puri etc. Hindus do not see God in stone alone. They can imagine it in anything. And for higher intellectual persons there is Jnana Marga, which say Aham Brahma Asmi, that each Soul is God.   Now you say that you did not make the film to make money. Will you donate the whole money to Prime Minister fund or for any development of India. NO you WONT. You all might have heard that Actor Vikram donated half of his gain from ‘I’ film for charity. As you have gained money by spoiling Hinduism will you donate it for teaching the best aspects and Hinduism. Hinduism is not for Hindus alone. It was named so by foreigners as at that time there was no India. Now this philosophy should be rightly named Indiaism or SanadhanDharmism, as it’s all about the wisdom, science, philosophy, culture and customs of we Indians. Due to thousands of years, may be some false practice or mistakes might have come to it. But it does mean that all are wrong. This is the only religion which can with whole heart praise Allah, Christ or any other. But if people of other religion do so they will be betraying their religion and will be out. Hindus are ready to include two more hold books or two more God to its vast list of holy books, philosophy and Gods because it universal all embracing growing changeable and never want to conquer or convert. Even a atheist can be a Hindu as the great atheist Charvaka Hrishi was considered a Hrishi. There are numerous people who find mental peace and stability to face day to day problems in their lives by just going to a temple or bowing to an idol. Otherwise they will be getting mad and will have to pay for psychologist or psychiatrist. This film has tampered their belief and put them all in great trouble. Now will you solve their problems or at least give peace temporarily. Please do not play with minds of people. A life not useful for other living being is useless. Any amount of money you have will not give you any fame. You will be remembered as heartbreaker of millions. Do you think that all who saw the film came out happily? Each person has some aspect of God in them and each of them repented of doing a papa, a sin by seeing your film. And now you make show of the money you gained. Think what you gained. Want have you really done to the society. If you really want to teach, this is not the way to take film, not by insulting. Take a film to teach the real aspects and why such customs are there. Tell people to come out of all religion names and just pray God in what ever they think. Really God had already given the ability to man to pray him and gain spiritual heights. Even an illiterate man living in the deep forests who is not taught of any religion or book is able to pray and grow. Hinduism is a combination of many such ways of prayers practiced by millions. Each believes or ways in it are for various levels of minds to enable to select what ever suitable to each person. I agree there are false babas as there are false doctors and corrupt officials. But you showed only bad negative things,  never any positive aspect. I want to tell more, but as there may be no use, I stop. May Bhagawan bless you with good mind.  

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5263

Duration: 3m 30s

Rating: 33