President-Elect Trump: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. How did we get to this point? And what do we do now? Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:


  1. I wouldn't want to live in Britain so I'm glad Donald Trump was elected.
  2. My dog died in January 2016. Then my husband spent 5 months in hospital and died - at age 30 - on Christmas Eve 2016. Easily the worst year of my life, even without the dog dying. Fuck you, 2016.
  3. have a good day
  4. Best way to end an episode. Explosions. Michael Bay would be so proud.
  5. Anyone who believes that voting for a woman because she's a woman cannot be taken seriously on politics
  6. your source is CNN....
  7. Really, John Oliver, are you fucking kidding us? You bloddy incompetent fucking liberal idiot. You have only one fucking job. And yet, somehow you managed to not make fun of french accent. How the fuck is that possible? Be doomed till the end of your days and then some more.

    Besides that, you are so cool...
  8. Build the wall and drain the swamp!!!!! Neil Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court. Ha ha, you crybaby liberal douche-tards.
  11. is john oliver the biggest faggot alive? i'd say so
  12. John, didn't you beg Donald to run. Didn't you personally write him a campaign check? Didn't you say your country "badly" wanted him to run? Welp, your wish is Donald's command. Enjoy! Kekekekekekeekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekek!
  13. kkkkkk
  14. Best wishes future self
    April 17, 2017
    Bernie 2020
  15. CNN a few mouths!?! come on it was the whole time 24/7
  16. thanks Obama your a hero!
  17. So here's John Oliver's point - CNN gave Trump too much coverage. They played his speeches and rallies to much and did not even edit them - And that is partially why Trump got elected and it is also bad journalism. So, by not showing Trump speeches and editing them, it is good journalism and the correct thing to do. We don't call John Oliver fake news for nothing.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 13304835

Duration: 29m 1s

Rating: 188195