Red or Black? - Betting your whole life on one roulette spin

Crazy gamble with entire life savings on one roulette spin! Get a job!-


  1. a man after my own heart.
  2. Make money sharing your feedback with big brands
  3. LUCKY BAS***D
  4. I'm going to do this when I'm old, and then die of a heart attack no matter I win or lose.
  5. good publicity.... .there s no lucky gambler .the lucky one who stop gambling.
  6. What's the music at the end where it says "oh oh yeahhhhh"
  7. Why did he travel to America? In vegas, roulette wheels have "0" and "00" vs. in Europe they only have "0". He traveled a long-ass distance just to decrease his chances of winning.
  8. I would've split the 2 chip stack and put one on black and the other on red. Gotta play it safe peoples.
  9. quite stupid aint a chance! u make ur chances
  10. Congratulations! Now go double or nothing.
  11. Wrning;Dont bet all your money in the red just because because you saw this.. (i fucked up)
  12. what an idiot. The casino got alot of publicity though.
  13. hero
  14. Fuck this, shit is fake, little brit cunt.
  15. Get rid of your fiat currency before it has no purchasing power. Smart move.
  16. I recall the Monte Carlo has the ONLY single zero ( green number )
    Better odds for red/black bets.
  17. fake
  18. Why am i so nervous for him
  19. u forgot the do not try this at home
  20. ya now its time to fuck some bitches

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3281598

Duration: 3m 16s

Rating: 3923