Running On Water

Ever thought we could?


  1. the put wood ran until the fell off
  2. Everyone knows that they have a under water plat form set up they run on... A man has to run at least 60 to 65 miles per hour to accomplish this and a human is not capable of does speeds. What a waist of time..
  3. Well first off you'll probably want to be as high as possible to pull it off...still one of he most amazing things I've ever seen.
  4. Well done Hi-Tec… Well done...
  5. Myth busted bitches
    Watch it on mythbusters season 10! I didn't even have to watch it on mythbusters to know it's a sham lmao. And doofus it's not shallow water xD
  6. i dont know whats funnier, the video, or the comments....
  7. For 3 years i through this was real -.-
  8. They built a bridge under the water saw it on myth busters 😂😂😂
  9. fake and gay
  10. this movie is totally a fake. you can tell cause if you watch the shoes closely u will notice that the shoes go under the water and that the water goes up to their ankles. total fake but GG on using special equipment
  11. Song at 1:50
  12. lol fake but a good vid
  13. Myth busters tested it and they are not rong it busted. It fake thers a bridge sort of thing.
  14. It's an underwater bridge. The video is also an advertisement. Also, Mythbusters tested it, and it got Busted. So... Triple fake.
  15. They are running on a shallow water
  16. Fake
  17. x,D
    so fake
  18. you cant walk on water
  19. "...we were like discovered OWH MAI GOT JEEZIZ!!!1"

    Jesus certainly discovered it first haha
  20. theres glass, it looks like they are going the same distance

Additional Information:

Visibility: 57379

Duration: 3m 14s

Rating: 174