Shortest Woman Alive, Jyoti Amge - Guinness World Records

On her 18th birthday, Jyoti Amge who measures 62.8cm from Nagpur, India is named the new world's shortest woman by Guinness World Records, taking the title from American Bridgette Jordan. Jyoti is 6.2cm shorter than her predecessor. Subscribe for more amazing videos: ________________ Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place. LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Twitter: Find out more: Add us to your G+ circles: Visit our museums: Tags: "shortest woman" "jyoti amge" jyoti amge "world's shortest" "world's smallest" "Bridgette Jordan" worlds world shortest short woman record "Guinness World Record" "world record" india indian "Guinness World Record" "Guiness World Record" "record holder" "break the record" "world records" "Guinnes World Records" "Guinness Book Of World Records" "Guinness Buch der Rekorde" "record breaker" unbelievable incredible fascinating extraordinary wow "Weltrekord" "Weltrecord" tallest smallest fastest most least


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    Visibility: 649233

    Duration: 1m 9s

    Rating: 1041