Six pack Abs - Best Abs Machine In The World?

Six pack Abs - Best Abs Machine In The World? ★ Click here now → ★ and discover how you can make a residual income online starting today! Six pack Abs - Best Abs Machine In The World? ********************* ************************* "Recover from anything and start living in the top 1% of the healthiest people on the planet" Six pack abs can be elusive for many and years of hard work can go into very little results. there are many ab machines that say they are the answer to you getting that six pack, but most are gimmicks and none will actually give you a six pack even if you train everyday unless you also make the necessary dietary changes...yes diet has a huge part to play in manifesting that six pack. As for abdominal machines the one that is demonstrated in the video is excellent and will allow you to reach a high level of strength and also help build you thick bellied muscles as the exercises are intense and that is what is needed. Doing hundreds of sit ups and crunches are largely in-effective at building quality abs so the exercise and abs workout needs to be intense. Again diet is crucial in getting a six pack, especially if you want it fast you may need to radically change your diet and the most effective diet to eat is a raw plant based or vegan diet to strip the fat from the body and at the same time give the body the nutrients it needs to build quality muscle and the energy you need to exercise intensily so you can be the proud owner of a set of six pack abs! ; ) Six pack Abs - Best Abs Machine In The World?


  1. ∂σ үσυ ωαηт тσ ℓσss ωειgнт ιη נυsт 3 ωεεкs тнαη cнεcк συт тнιs : -
  2. To build a ripped abs, you will not need any kind of tough diet plan or working on the difficult exercises, you can do it less difficult than you think. The secret is eating the right food & doing the correct work outs
  3. My family laughed when I told them I was going to burn calories with Exyph Fat Loss, but then I showed them the results. Do a search on google for Exyph Fat Loss to see their reaction.
  4. what is that machine called
  5. Sometimes encouragement is all it takes to take off ;)... Most of us have what we need in life (not just for workouts but in general), we just need to learn how to use what we already got and be thankful for it. That's the path to happiness. Thumbs up for Beyourpotential and many other simple and inspirational videos.
  6. bullshit
  7. you can get them on ebay, not sure what make mine was? As my mother car booted it. :/
  8. Who is the manufacturer?
  9. Saw your channel, thought i'd subscribe, then i seen that idiotic video promoting crap, and i didn't subscribe.
  10. I use something similar, but mines 2 wheels and a handle in the middle, one for each hands. When i do this exercise in the vid my abs batter the next day, there's different variations as well.
  11. where i can buy that "machine"? im from uruguay, matthew youre awesome!! a link to amazon would be great
  12. Start on your knees. If that is difficult then you can have a partner put a strap around your waist and add support when you are at the bottom of the movement! That is how you work up your strength but as for your back I don't see a problem with it, unless you already have a back injury then of course you would need to be careful doing any exercise.
  13. how do you work up your strength with something like that...without hurting your back?
  14. Yeah I thin you're right. Most of them are gimmicks, but I can tell this one works your core and abs.
  15. I have one in my garage with dust on it. I will get it out and do it tonight. Thanks coach. keep up the good work.
  16. I believe I had this same model. it has a spring to help you roll back, the spring can be adjusted by rolling it on the floor, before your starting point. to make it easier or more difficult.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15394

Duration: 2m 0s

Rating: 93