Skutt under vann

Det er tyngre å bevege seg i vann enn det er i luft, fordi vannmolekyler ligger tettere sammen enn luftmolekyler. For å vise forskjellen i motstanden vil fysiker Andreas Wahl stille seg foran et våpen nedsenket i vann og avfyre det - mot seg selv. Se hele programmet her: Produsert av Bulldozer Film Regi: Christian Holm-Glad ADVARSEL: Eksperimentene vi viser i "Med livet som innsats" er gjennomført uten andre sikringer enn det som kommer til syne i programmet. Eksperimentene er nøye testet i forkant i tett dialog med faglig personell. Å etterligne eller på annet vis forsøke å gjenta eksperimentene, kan få fatalt utfall og frarådes sterkt.


  1. Nice SIG 550
  2. next grab a gun and blow his brain off.... retard...
  3. thumbs down... not impressive....
  4. He was in no real danger...
  5. Bet he went with a way underpowered round and a rubber projectile.
    And what exactly was the point of this??
    Thumbs down for the belly flab and the stupid.
  6. stupid showoff, just a show.
  7. apaan nih video sm terus
  8. Next time do it with your head under water....:p
  9. What if an earthquake hit right at the moment he shot and the pool splashed empty? Or a meteor hit the get it, so many things could go wrong but I guess the probability is that they won't. Yet those improbabilities would be running through my mind, right? He should take 27 liter bottles of soda and shoot through them. Or a less dense liquid like alcohol, how far would the bullet travel, if it didn't ignite in flames. Endless possibilities. We had a friend at our flying club who, when his wife left him for another guy, took up a Cessna 182 with a Glock 9mm and a Smith & Wesson 44 mag.
    He, pulled it off so to speak and there was very little possibility he could have survived his plan. Shouldn't be the wife who needs to end it all because of her shame? Man this video took me off on a tangent! Creepy man, don't shoot live rounds at your own body.
  10. This dude is actually fucking stupid. He could have at least worn a vest, even if the bullet wasn't going to come close.
  11. This goes to show you can't kill yourself under water
  12. what kind of the weapon ?
  13. I liked it but that was a pretty dumb thing to do
  14. Dat man have guts what a hero I really mean it!👍👍
  15. OMG what was that?
  16. Try it with a fucking torpedo!
  17. cool, now try a 50cal bmg
  18. he survive i see the bullet getting slower and stoped
  19. I don't really care how many times he tested it before trying this.....that goes against SO many basic rules of firearm safety...
  20. he did not put his life on the line it goes nowhere all gun owners know that.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 18965986

Duration: 1m 10s

Rating: 28786