Skydiving Without Parachute - Antti Pendikainen

Skydiving Without Parachute - Antti Pendikainen Subscribe to our channel: Follow us: Video by: Catcher: Matti Miilumäki Cameras: Mauri Väistö Matti Miilumäki Marek Skowron Visa Parviainen Lauri Aapro


  1. Ur falling from air u can't breath
  2. Fly was open
  3. breaking news crazy Russian dies while skydiving
  4. R.I.P Parachute
  5. 💪
  6. That moment when you wake up in the morning and there is a parachute laying in you backyard
  7. i didnt know crazyrussianhacker had a brother
  8. this guy has motherfucking steel balls....
  9. keren
  10. Awesome!!
  11. he is crazy
  12. awesomely stupid ..
  13. The farmer didn't think it was so cool.
  14. He wanna comment suicide
  15. Amazing!
  16. I came here to see him die..
  17. toi oli meijän tontilla
  18. mä ja mun ukki oltii ekat jotka näki ton
  19. so great i've subscribe plz sub back
  20. Ar you finnish you all butt im finnish

Additional Information:

Visibility: 13942431

Duration: 2m 47s

Rating: 92897