SNEAK CRAFT: Top Secret German and Italian U-Boat Submarines of WWII | Documentary Video

SNEAK CRAFT - Top Secret German and Italian U-Boat Submarines of WWII | Documentary Video


  1. Such incredible technical genius and sheer guts ... but really, we'd (Humanity) better knock this disastrously tiresome nonsense off. That's the way to truly honour all The War Dead. 
  2.  i think with the japnese submerines they could be sneaking up on australia or china one off them. you dont know on tasmania or australia or off coast places thats what i heard them say. its not fair in ways but its that way thats they way i heard someone say that human fating decisions making of boredom and change of progress of the heart. because its mind control on everything i hear is something been microchip or someone beening childish or gross ways because nothing else is interesting and they loss interest really quickly others
  3. Neat vid, thanks for the up =D
  4. Interesting stuff. I knew about Japanese midget subs and human torpedoes, but the Italian and German ones are new to me .Most of the footage seems to be post war testing of captured vessels. I have seen a lot of submarine docs before but this I have never seen.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 56804

Duration: 27m 58s

Rating: 138