Star Size Comparison 2

Dear world, Let´s talk about time. When I uploaded my first YouTube video 7 years ago, I would have never thought that it would get that much attention. Had lots of discussions, met new people, continued to make videos about things that intrigued me. Or tried out effects. I enjoyed it a lot, and I still read every comment that pops up. And they keep coming in. It is a hobby that I am very glad about having started. And I am humbled by the attention. Well, as time went by I found less time to work on videos, struggled with other things in life, and wondered if I would ever find the time again. But I always knew one thing: I owe you something. All the time people were are asking about a sequel to starsize comparison. And yes, I promised once. I keep my promises. So, whenever I found time over the last year I spent it on that. Here it is. I hope you like it. I tried to do it in a bit different way. Curious for the feedback. I know I will be hardly able to beat the choice of music from the first part, but let me say, Vangelis Alpha is a piece that is very dear to my heart, I always had this in mind. Still looking for contact to musicians. I do not know what the future brings, but I hope we will hear from each other. Enjoy.


  1. is there a triple verse?
  2. Who says there is no life in other galaxies?..)))
  3. I like neptune colour of Neptune is my favorite
  4. I love all the universe I am shocked wow is this real......
  5. Star?? Earth is a star wow explain
  6. very big
  7. i watched this 126 times!!!!!4
  8. Şimdi ALLAH'A inanıyor musunuz?
  9. does multiverse really exists??
  10. Gonna go have an existential crisis now bye.
  11. i mean uy scuti
  12. Also in this video i love the part when you get to uy edition it zooms out
  13. also i wonder how was SPACE made like how who created for just so many questions i need to ask who can answer all my questions
  14. its super
  15. у меня на старых жигулях такой же пробег на спидометре !
  16. who else just realized that they are just a spec in the universe?
  17. I'm holding back tears this video is so powerful.
  18. Tellement incroyable, magnifique, fascinant . Les larmes aux yeux de ce miracle , j'aimerais tellement savoir d'ou l'on vient, comment tout cela s'est créé, sur les milliards d'étoiles c'est obligé que d'autres formes de vies existent . Les problèmes terrestres paraissent tellement insignifiants .
  19. What if the multiverse is just a quarks (google it) of a larger thing?
  20. aled

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5642757

Duration: 6m 51s

Rating: 70724