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  1. Monty Hall has a solution, it therefore can't be a paradox.
  2. So... If God can make a rock so heavy that he can't carry or hold it then... Instead of everything is possible it will turn to some is impossible
  3. I've heard some of these paradoxes. I liked the three doors and the boats.
  4. Mind Blown Man!
  5. 1) The original ship is the one with all the original pieces. That's what original means. It would be like asking if a cloned goat is the original when we know that it wouldn't be.

    2) It's just a series of events. At one point in time God was all powerful and could do anything but then that God did something to change that and now that God is not all powerful anymore.

    3) It's not a paradox if you can explain the correct answer using math!

    4) I'm confused as fuck!!

    5) We don't know enough about time travel to even properly answer this. I'm assuming the world changes, including the future from where they came from, to adapt to the changes that happened in the past, or it creates another timeline, and the one he came from, stays the same, with his grandfather alive and well at the time he was killed in the new timeline. Or the Universe gets really confused like us and just says fuck it, I'm not even gonna try to figure this shit out.

    6) He shaves himself. I don't understand the confusion on this one. It's not a paradox. He has to shave himself. It would be like a Sim going against their programming.

    7) The problem with this is that time doesn't stop. It keeps moving. There is no "pause." So when you're looking at a single moment of an arrow in flight, you're not looking at something that's just stopped, even if it looks that way to you, you're actually looking at it while it is in motion.

    8) People aren't the only ones that can lie, so can sentences. The statement is true. Also, does it look like his eyes are closed and he's licking something or is that just me?

    9) That actually just makes no sense. After a certain point a heap of sand simply becomes less than a heap. It would be like taking down a big hill until it's a smaller hill. It's still a hill but no longer a big hill; it's still sand, but it's no longer a heap of sand.

    10) I'm stumped.

    I seriously don't understand number four and it's frustrating.

    I do love these kind of videos though! They really force you to think outside the box and consider other possible outcomes and to not take things at face value. I'm not saying my answers are correct either. Those are just what I would say if someone asked me about them.

    Does someone understand #4 and #10???
  6. Technically what you said about time travel isn't true. If it happens it would have already happened. Infinite slimy time limey stuff.
  7. I'm a simple girl. I see David Tennant in the thumbnail. I click.
  8. a man drown in the fountain of eternal life
  9. In order for the grandfather paradox to be solved, you need to understand quantum superposition. that is something that exists in two states at once. In the grandfather paradox, your grandfather would be dead because you killed him (you ass hole) but he would have to be alive to meet your grandmother and this makes him dead and alive with quantum superposition.
  10. I clicked on this video faster than two jiggles of a jack rabbits ass.
  11. MY HEEEEEEAAAAAAAAD!......... it's broken now
  12. What if the time traveller is adopted?
  13. Trust me: don't trust anyone!
  14. If infinite alternate universes exist, then there's an infinite number of alternate universes where an infinite number of alternate universes doesn't exist.
  15. This statement is confusing
  16. Funny paradox Matt with hair
  17. The arrow has to do with the 4th demotion how the motion is impossible thing is in only 3 detentions
  18. what about the fortune teller one they can tell our future but who's going to tell there future ... Mind blown
  19. looks like a doctor who phase
  20. Why hasn't anyone made a portal reference yet?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7431394

Duration: 8m 12s

Rating: 125711