The Biggest Minion Wave Ever - THE MINION TSUNAMI - League of Legends World Records

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  1. can't you use ryze ulti to get more minions from other lanes?
  2. You should redo it in one for all with ryze and amumu to teleport 3 ultimate minion waves in one line and you can use the banner of command to boost some of them
  3. that would be so satisfying with Tristana with runaans hurricane 🌀 🌀
  4. This is way smaller than vandrills minion wave
  5. Then Tryndamere comes and spins on all of them
  6. didn't he kill his own nexus? :D
  7. guess you were not around when heimer could block the minions from passing with his turrets...meaning you could deny mid cs and then the game glitched and spawned super minions... gg

    saddly riot fixed it/broke it ...
  8. new ryze is here the all minion is ruine lol
  9. You should do this again then clear it with Nunu or ASOL full build and max Q
  10. How did u get the ally minions to stop spawning so they wouldn't just come attack the enemy minions?
  11. should've put down a ziggs ultz and see if all minions die
  12. where did these guyz go?
  13. Why don´t you do more videos?
  14. It would be funny to clear them with ults of Ezreal or Fortune xD
  15. why you kill the wave? useless record
  16. More videos :C this shit is 1 year ago
  17. back in the day, heimer could set down 6 turrets, blocking the pathing of creeps freshly spawning ... this was a way better tactic than this shitty amumu tactic .... because u could block your own minions, denying any to the enemy, and then totally unleashing minion hell upon them.
  18. 1:05 and adc's dream
  19. vandril already did that
  20. anivia with full tear and blue buff wouldnt even need to move to clear that wave

Additional Information:

Visibility: 851294

Duration: 1m 56s

Rating: 5938