The Biggest Rat In The World!

The sign says "Patagonian cavy," but the one I saw online looked more like a large jackrabbit. This looks like pictures I saw of the capybara. It is similar to a woodchuck (what we in the South call a groundhog), only much larger.


  1. its not a rat hahaha
  2. tht is not a rat
  3. this is the capivara, Have in Brazil. eat only herbs, many people hunt and eat this animal
  4. Neither is a muskrat. But they're both rodents!
  5. Thats not a rat
  6. Pretty dang big for a nutria, too!
  7. mofoing nutria lol
  8. No it's not, it's a possum!
  9. thats a weasel
  10. Its not a rat
  11. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.....
  12. that is not no RAT!! that is a pig mixed with a geniepig and donkey
  13. this is not rat
  14. That aint no damn rat
  15. Oh, right. Thank you.
  16. Dictionary of Zoology defines caviomorph as "rodents of the family caviidae." Besides that, I fed the thing, saw what it eats and its teeth. It is a rodent.
  17. @Possumlivingdotcom Caviomorph! Not rodent!
  18. @cuteboyswagggg Maybe not, but it is a rodent.
  20. looks like a good couple of meals.. i say, cook it up.. i'm hungry.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 29040

Duration: 2m 40s

Rating: 18