The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History

Brutally Honest trump supporter tells it like it is. Take a moment and think about it. Remember it, Share it and maybe, just maybe, we can be great again! The point of this video? Not to create animosity nor give an audience to hateful statements from people who, because of their own apathy, in part created the world we now live. The point of this video is to make anyone who cares to pull together and stop the down fall as best as they can. To be good to one another and stop blaming everybody else for our own short comings. To heal ourselves so that we can heal others. Not as separate parts, but as a whole sum of Humanity! This video has now been seen in 190+ countries! Still people don't seem to be getting the point. I am a human being just as you. Doing things for the right reasons just as you. If you're not treating your fellow man (Mankind) (Human Beings) with compassion, or at least treating them as you would be treated, then how are you helping the situation. And if you're not helping the situation, then what are you doing? Its not about invisible lines that divide us rather human qualities that unit us. It's a lie to think your not good enough. There are two entities in the world. 1. Evil This is where one feels Anger, Jealousy, Greed, Resentment, Lies, and Inferiority. 2. Goodness This is where one feels Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Humility, Kindness, Empathy and Truth. As I read over the comments I see both Evil and Goodness shared. It is not a country that is evil or good. Rather it is a personal choice of the people in any country to be either Good or Evil. And they do so through their actions.


  1. Check this lady out. Talk about brutaly honest.
  2. US of A lost it (glamor) after losing to VIETNAM and worst when they FAKED the landing on the MOON//// those are the WORST GENERATION in USofA... PERIOD!!! The worst FAKER (lance and neil armstrong) of EARTH!!! booo yaaahhhh !!!
  3. Was there ever such thing as the greatest country on earth? How many empires hundreds to thousands of years ago can say they're the greatest country in the world? About every powerful nation in history was filled with large wealth inequality, rampant warfare, diseases, corruption. Despite all that, mankind had reached up to this point where we have the infant mortality rate, violence, plagues are at the lowest than it's ever been, everything is a work in progress.
  4. Only 4 mill views says it all...
  5. Yosemite! Rofl died laughing.
  6. It was honest up until 2:03
  7. That's how Steve Jobs wud be if he was alive and was asked... "Is Apple the greatest innovators currently??"
  8. The one thing I don't agree with is the Angels aren't real part. Its kind of hard to agree with that when you have been interacting with them for quite some time now. I do agree we are all in a state of denial and close mindedness afraid to move forward and yes people scare easy and turn away from the most incredible ideas.. The world got this way not from lack of ideas. But lack of enthusiasm to fulfill any ideas. Lack of open imagination has closed down our reality. We always get to hung up on who has the ideas to make them happen. 69 777!
  9. That was a good show. It was too smart for any tv audience. However, I feel one of our problems as a species, is this tribal mentality we still have. It's natural and even necessary, in the beginning. With limited resources, there has to be war. But today, the world is smaller. And despite all the rhetoric, we are actually more united as a species than we have ever been before. When someone invents something, we all benefit from it. There are no more secrets. And we now have unifying concerns. America is a microcosm of what's going on on the planet. We cut off our own nose, just to spite our own face. If we really are more evolved, than our approach should be too. We need more coalition and less saber rattling.
  10. "The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one". That is so true.
  11. where is this taken from ?
  12. Is this from a movie? If it is, which?
  14. Gooood!
  15. Atleast you lead the world in the number of adults who think angels are real.
  16. Botswana has freedom.
  17. Funny...From 2:04 onwards he seems to have strangely omitted over 200 years of American slavery, followed by over 100 more years of state-sanction racial discrimination, not to mention the tale of woe the natives of the continent suffered. Perhaps the title of this clip should have a re-think...because "the good old days" he seems to refer to bear no resemblance to the facts.
  18. We had a pretty good start, but like every other political system that preceded us, greedy bastards with high will-to-power urges have manipulated the herd, and the inevitable downward spiral has begun. I wish it wasn't so, but we humans have a long history of this outcome. Can we do something different? People have been asking that question for ages. Maybe.
  19. The brutal truth is that America was at its height when the robber barons ripped through the future in search of greater power and wealth and pulled much of the country along with them in their wake. It was a terrible time and not ideal in any sense of the word, but it certainly elevated this country to elite status in the world.
  20. America's real enemy is "PEACE".

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4137542

Duration: 3m 28s

Rating: 69932