The worst pain known to man

Hamish experiences an Amazon tribes' coming-of-age ritual: Bullet Ant gloves! Where the toxins released by the ants generates the worst pain a human is capable of experiencing.


  1. he'll nooooooo
  2. The natives are looking at him like he's a little bitch! lmao
  3. My reaction when I saw the force awakens.
  4. Fuck 1:28 I thought he got swarmed by bee's and fuck it if I see a person swarmed in bee's I'm getting phobia for no reason
  5. Damn dude, could you be any more dramatic?!?!? You screamed like that for an hour, crazy!! Go to Ranger school, then you'll know pain!!
  6. I thought the worst pain was death
  7. so there training awesome wariores to FIGHT GOD BASICLY
  8. Watch Steve Backshall do a full 10 mins of those gloves like a boss.
  9. very disrespectful asshole! anything to get likes on YouTube
  10. What bit him
  11. Yeah I came here after coyote petersons video 2 :3
  12. Worst pain known to women : birth
  13. We all know this was never true, the number 1. Pain was obviously a Razor Scooter hitting your ankles.😂
  14. AUSTRALIA represent
  15. I feel very bad for him☹️
  16. this is the most hilarious shit I've seen in a while x.x dead from laughing
  17. fucking white people...
  18. They should use these ants to treat pedophiles and rapists.
  19. Here because of reporter getting stung by bull ant

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15794593

Duration: 3m 8s

Rating: 61073