They Are Hiding GOD With The Greatest Lie EVER!

What could possibly be worse than actually finding proof of God and keeping it a secret? Well, that's what the (essentially wicked) rulers of this world have done since 1956 and it is high time you learn about it for the sake of your soul. The leaseholder of this earth, satan, has used the elites of this world to conceal a very big secret - that the Landowner, God, is not only real and that He is indeed watching us, but that the land that you live on is not exactly what you have been told either. God is not residing in a Heaven beyond an ever expanding Universe upwards of 35 million light years wide. No friends, He is much closer than you think. And the sky is not blue because of some nonsense light refraction due to particles in the air. No, there is an even more glorious reason for why it is so blue. So click play and sit back and learn about how They Are Hiding GOD With The Greatest Lie EVER! I give you a heads up right now. Within the first minute, you may be shocked to realize what this is all about. Just keep watching and wake up that Pineal Gland of yours. After an excellent foundation is laid down, the significance of this Truth as it relates to the reality of God being hidden will be fully manifest at 1:51:15. Bottom line, THIS is what ALL of this is about - [This video is a compilation of clues brilliantly assembled by Mark Sargent, all put into one video and with a different and inviting title.]


  1. If after watching this video you are one to ridicule and mock the Truth that it presents, while having done little to no independent research of your own, despite the FACT that this subject has literally taken the world by storm with government agencies scrambling for damage control given them having been outed with their lies, then frankly, there is little hope for you. If your hate of the Truth (and particularly Biblical Truth) is that blatant that you make fun of it or God or Jesus or worse yet, The Holy Spirit, (since He is the giver of this Truth) then you are in grave danger of NOT having your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. As far as many in the church are concerned, this is a HUGE litmus test for those claiming to be saved through Jesus Christ. How much do you love the Truth? Enough to embrace this glorious one from God? Or is it too unpopular? Since when does being a Child of Christ, Who IS The Way, The TRUTH and The Life, anything of a popularity contest? Since when did Biblical Truth have to jive with the known satanic governments of the world? The Flat Earth is God's Last Call for all of humanity - especially professed "Christians", many of whom have failed this test of the Truth miserably. Yet, despite the incredulity of most who hear of this amazing reality (and it REALLY IS Incredible in its design and scope), it heartens the soul to see the Truth actually click for so many previous doubters of both the Flat Earth AND God Himself. The following testimonial page from Rob Skiba's site says it all for so many who have shared their own testimonies of how they have come to know Christ and The Truth simply by surrendering their foolish pride and seeking to know whether or not this radical notion of our Earth were actually True or not. Guess, what? Just like the Bible itself, The Flat Earth CANNOT be proven wrong or "debunked" no matter who you are and how hard you try. TRUTH ALWAYS REIGNS SUPREME! Amen to that.

    One last thing. As for the title of the video stating that "They are Hiding God", The "They" are the governments of the world who definitively found evidence of the Dome in 1956 and who have known for centuries that the Earth was otherwise Flat. "Hiding God" is what they essentially did once they had that hard evidence. Instead of simply declaring the Truth, these "rulers" who serve the Luciferian Doctrine (which is how they are even able to ascend to their positions of power) hid it from the masses - that being you and me. For anyone NOT blessed to either grow up in a Christian home or have someone come into their lives to speak the Gospel Truth to them, their entire world view was that of NO God given the slew of lies we have ALL been fed such as "big bang", "evolution", "outer space", and the pathetic "ball earth". Once you realize that the Earth's construct is actually Flat with a Crystal Dome over it - precisely as the Bible makes abundantly clear - it is a beautiful reality to be blessed to know. Now for those of us who had no doubts whatsoever as to the Truth of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Flat Earth is merely a glorious affirmation of just how INCREDIBLE our Father God, The Creator, really is! And I am sure I speak for ALL Flat Earthers out there, and especially those in the Church - how embarrassing and humbling to have actually believed the "ball" once you see how disturbingly lame it really is in EVERY respect. But God is so Good to have revealed this stupendous reality to us in these last days. Another Amen to that.
  2. the flat earth theory starts to unravel when you say Antarctica is a wall that surrounds a "flat earth" and curves inward because I'm pretty sure that we've mapped and sailed around the EXTERIOR of antarctica. but it completely falls apart when you mention that the sky and/or space is a dome with lights of any kind projected either up to it OR down from it. you are saying that there is nothing outside the "atmosphere" and everything we believe to be outside it is like pictures on a movie screen. if those pictures are projected up onto it the lights that create the sun moon and stars would cast beams all the way up and it would take far too many lights to be feasible not to mention that searchlights would be able to be seen on the dome. to be cast down there would have to be something outside the atmosphere/dome which I'm pretty sure we'd be able to see but even so that proves there has to be a "space" as it were. and the final theory that the dome is made of LED's is bullshit because I'm relatively sure the LED was invented within my lifetime but even if not the sheer mass of a dome with enough of them and the circuitry to change color, size, and shape as everything that is up there passes by would far exceed the weight restrictions of glass unless it's several feet if not miles thick and if it's all ice I'm pretty sure it'd melt. furthermore metal, although mined out of the ground, is not melted, polished rock, and we know magma or lava isn't rock melted in a boiler room under the surface because in many places we can and have dug under magma deposits and had it leak down into the caverns. the earth and everything other celestial body, with the exception of comets, is round because orbiting around their respective star causes them to spin and these two forces put together makes the sediment settle more or less evenly and "plate techtonics", if you've researched that in school yet, causes mountains to rise, lakes/oceans to fall, and along with the build in pressure from the formation of the magma itself, which is formed from the friction of said plates scraping, sliding along, and melting into eachother and the "molten core" you don't believe in, volcanos to open. if the earth was flat none of that would happen and there probably wouldn't be gravity which is caused because the earth spins and orbits etc. you can't orbit a light in a fake sky and if gravity were man made we'd have real hoverboards, flying saucers, and probably more sophisticated technology by now.
  3. The almighty creator of the universe seems to be easily hidden by mere mortal men. YOUR GOD IS WEAK!!!!!
  4. everything that is invented by scientist are fake! they just made to believe that there is no God!
  5. I shouldn't have watched this. Now I'm soooo Confuuuuuseddd.
  6. Hail Satan!
  7. im jelly at any idiot who believes in this, god bless you all xD
  8. I am Jesus
  9. This video is an eye opener...i think there are no satellite that orbits but just stationary satellites which the clever guys have put up there at the boundaries.
  10. How is Elon musk sending rockets into space using a private company then?
  11. How long have you been stupid?
  12. In vacuum liquids assume shape of a sphere, as did the planets. Anyone who has sky dived from height, as i have (15,000 ft) has seen the curvature of the earth. Nice voice spewing childish non- sense.
  13. No one can hide God from us. I certainly don't get my opinions from videos such these. "They" have no power over a person who uses his reason. All you need to do is take responsibility of what you allow into your mind. This video might be your truth, but certainly I don't buy it and "they" had nothing to do in the matter.
  14. I worked on the first GPS units designed for use with the infantry in 1983 we only worked at night in the most remote parts of the country
  15. 9 mins for him to say is flat damn
  16. The Sun is round so is the Moon but not the earth 🌎 ok got it idiot
  17. Turned this crap off asap. Egyptian's knew the Earth was round thousands of years ago. Check out the ratios of their monuments.
  18. They may try too hide God from us and deceive us. BUT, he or she who reads their bible and ASK God for understanding WILL NOT BE LEAD ASTRAY. God gives us a sign and when we start to understand, then we NOTICE who or what is deceiving us. Right from the wrong preaching or whatever we are seeing. Ask God to guide you and He will not lead you astray. Rebuke the prince of darkness from you. Amen.
  19. silly silly stuff
  20. i love how everybody thinks they 'Know' it all. Lmfao be honest, none of us truely know whats out there...

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