Top 10 Dance Crazes

Top 10 Biggest Dance Crazes of All Time Subscribe Whether it’s twisting, bumping, hustling or moonwalking, there are tons of dance crazes that get people out of their seats and onto the dance floor. WatchMojo picks the ten most iconic dance crazes to sweep the world. List Entries and Rank: #10. Top Dance Crazes #9. Time Warp #8. The LocoMotion #7. Gangnam Style #6. Macarena #5. Y.M.C.A. #4. Line Dancing #3. ??


  1. or the Top Notes or the Isley Brothers...
  2. Dico Queen
  3. Turned the video off as soon as they said the "time warp" was a dance craze.
  4. I liked because they included the Time Warp.... I'm glad they actually had some culture in here
  5. I have to go to a swing club before I get too old to move.
  6. Gangnam Style is crap
  7. That's the right number one.
  8. The Bump, the Snake, the Hustle?
  9. The nutbush and bus stop were popular here in Australia, still played at some weddings.
  10. I feel really stupid for asking this but what's that move called when a lot of people form a train sort of thing like the girls at 3:07 and then the beat goes bumbum bumbum bum BUM! repeatedly and the line goes around the room dancing. I think it was latin and had maracas, idk I've completely forgotten it.
  11. Kylie 😚
  12. The hokey pokey?

    Limbo (with a broom)?

    Maybe Agadoo by Black Lace?

    Trip hop?

    Or that Footloose thing, where everybody's standing in a circle and takes turn dancing in the middle?
  13. MJ should be at number 1.
  14. Yeah, cha-cha slide? We actually did that! Never mind ELECTRIC SLIDE, anyone?
  15. Random notes:
    Dance craze? From that stupid RHPS movie? Nah! Never even heard about it.
    LOL some of these aren't actual DANCE crazes, just song crazes (but again, RHPS doesn't qualify).
    "Disco" is a general style, not a specific dance; neither is "line dancing", which was included in disco as well as country.
    Noone could actually moonwalk, just liked watching MJ.
  16. Apples and oranges.
    Things like the Locomotion, Moonwalk, etc. are moves. Swing, Disco are 'Movements'.
    Swing dwncing is bigger than all the rest combined.
  17. Where is the Electric Slide? This list was horrible!
  18. no Michael Jackson should be #1
  19. WatchMojo wears their banner of RACISM and NEGATIVE IMAGE PROPAGANDA against non caucas-europids PROUDLY.
    This channel never ceases to go eagerly, and with vigor, where every racist has gone before.
    Omission of truth is the same as an outright lie.
    Against other races than caucaseuropids. They have mastered that.
  20. Cowboy boots and hat are not necessary for line dancing

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2088942

Duration: 6m 30s

Rating: 6955