✪ TOP 5 Best Cheap 3D Printers (NEW Under $200 3D Printers)

Over the years 3d Printing prices got sliced over and over while the speed and quality got better. They are affordable now. But are they any good? Check our latest picks of Top 5 Awesome 3D Printers. Let us know in the comments which of these new printers you find useful and which simply blow your mind. The Amazing 3d Printers presented in this video: Subscribe For More: https://goo.gl/dfbTJr #5 Ono3D - http://ono3d.net #4 Tiko3D - http://tiko3d.com #3 Peachy Printer - http://peachyprinter.com #2 101 Hero - http://101hero.com #1 iBox Nano - http://iboxprinters.com ● LIKES & Comments are much appreciated! ● Subscribe for more Awesome Videos!


  1. 11:45 Silver 6 XD
  2. Gotta love how one of these lost funding and ran out of business and another was taken dow nfor "Theft of Kickstarter Raised Funds"
  3. TIKO failed already
  4. Can u use ipad
  5. Olo seems kinda cool, I have a tablet so going w/o a phone isn't a problem lol
  6. Uni printers suck ass. tbh more problems are caused than solved. Just get a normal rail design printer.
  7. Nice idea but lol who would put the phone in the jar for that long?!!
  8. olo is literally 3d printing.... on your phone.
  9. Lol did anyone else notice the peachy guy had used a voice deepener
  10. Ono is a silly product.... LOL
  11. about the ibox nano when they say noone wants a big 3d printer that is bullshit most people including me want large ones you wanna know why.... it's cause we don't want to only be able to make small items we'd like to also make large parts too
  12. omg
  13. All these ads look like scams :/
  14. Tiko looks like its the most promising out of all of these.
  15. Anybody else notes the guy spit while he was talking at around 5:05
  16. C
  17. Tiko went bankrupt xd
  18. Where is tiko sold
  19. Are they stupid?
  20. 101 hero sucks I want to 3d print a knife 101 hero has ITS OWN MODELS!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 190264

Duration: 13m 51s

Rating: 1766