Top 5 biggest video game bosses

its just my opinion of the 5 biggest bosses in video games on ps3 and xbox 360, may contain spoilers,,,,, like and comment! oh and after I thought about it cronos and the riftworm should switch places because the riftworm is about 9 miles long well yea I´m not surprised after all it was used to sink entire cities in just minutes in the game itself :/


  1. Is Galacticus bigger than wyzen?
  2. for asuras wrath,why not chakravartin in his golden form?
  3. good dude
  4. Chackravaratin is bigger
  5. The emerging penis
  6. Im really shocked that the boss from DeadSpace 3 wasn't in this..
    That boss is STUPIDLY HUUGGGGEE!
    He's the literal size of a galaxy supercluster!!!!
  7. nice job :)
  8. ooooooh so when he ment "biggest" he literally ment biggest
  9. 2 should be ouryx from raid mode destiny
  10. Im trying to find and old game its somthing like this some guy trying to chas after a girl saying wait i wont hurt u and thes wierd bug i dont know and a giant peepes throw a window throw the kingdome i cant remember what it is
  11. its wyzen
  12. I agree with this list up until the last 2. Dead Space Brother Moon for number 2 and Chakravartin for number 1. You are the size of Earth and he is the size of a Galaxy Supercluster.
  13. that boss looks a little like a gear of war berserker
  14. This videos is really a fucking shit... in my life i saw a the biggest boss and is more big than this shit's v:
  15. Red eye almost like molgera
  16. Dead Space's Moon should be no.2, considering it's about as big as Wyzen's head.
  17. Jubileus from Bayonetta was an epic boss battle, especially how Bayonetta (with help) finished the fight.
  18. Well I thought that the Jhen Moh'ran is at least number 5( monster hunter)
  19. Dalamadur from monster hunter is bigger than all of those except for the last one
  20. It's Kronos*

Additional Information:

Visibility: 281358

Duration: 5m 25s

Rating: 1137