Top 5 MOST TERRIFYING Waterslides In the WORLD!

In this video you'll see the top 5 most terrifying waterslides from around the world. These waterslides are only for the brave and are notorious for being some of the fastest, tallest, scariest waterslides in the WORLD! The 5 slides I talk about are: The X-Treme Faser, Kilimanjaro, Insano, The Scorpion's Tail, The Verrückt.


  1. Can Someone Tell Me the Song In The Background?
  2. Never in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. O_O... would I ride any of them? Would I ride any of them? Would I? HELL NAH! No the the nah nah nahhhh!
  4. I would never ride ANY of these water slides
  5. I wanna ride all of them if I don't die and I was a man
  6. i went on perucht and insano
  7. Yes
  8. I would neverr go on any of theise
    I'm a coward😂😨
  9. Clickbait
  10. I would love to ride
  11. yes I would on the first
  12. To the to 5her from Caitlin
  13. yes
  14. These slides are giving me anxiety from just watching the POV videos
  15. I never tried these slides and I will never😨😨☹☹☹☹☹☹😨😨😨😨😨
  16. ya
  18. no it is to scary
  19. No
  20. I would ride all of them

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4180136

Duration: 6m 52s

Rating: 17497