TOP 5 Scariest Roller-Coasters In The World 2016 HD Clips



  1. Let me off these rides !!
  2. I have been on number one
  3. These are not the scariest roller coasters in the world I've been on some that were scary as hell
    This is a walk in the park
  4. okay, i get it. You think America is the best, but even so, there are some pretty extreme coasters in THE WORLD Which doesn't mean just America. So with all due respect I believe this video should be 'the scariest rollercoasters in the USA'
  5. #2 at least they got Metallica 😂🤘
  6. Those are all fun am I right
  7. Mas, se eu digo: "Não o mencionarei nem mais falarei em seu nome", é como se um fogo ardesse em meu coração, um fogo dentro de mim. Estou exausto tentando contê-lo; já não posso mais! Jeremias 20:9
    Todos os dias, no templo e de casa em casa, não deixavam de ensinar e proclamar que Jesus é o Cristo. Atos 5:42; W... Amém...
  8. Everyone search up Six Flags America The Superman that one is morr scarier that the one at Great Adventure
  9. Fury is not that scary its like a new verson of the intemidator in Carowinds
  10. number 1 is fake
  11. Why is valraven #1? It's the least scary out of all of them, and isn't even that good from my experience riding it also fury325 is not scary at all either
  12. I've taken craps scarier than these rides
  13. so true
  14. Fury isn't scary 😂😂
  15. The first one looks pretty easy and I'd possibly go on Fury 325
  16. Number 1 looks fake to me...
  17. Who else thinks these don't look scary but fun!!!
  18. The poltergeist at six flags fiesta Texas is fun but it's not scary. It looks like the second one
  19. I hate how people think king da ka is scary just cuz its the tallest and second fastest in the world. I admit I was scared before going on it but it's really not scary. The coaster twists on the way down so u don't really feel the drop. It's also only 38 seconds long and feels like 7 seconds. The only thing that might scare u is the speed.
  20. My sister went on Valvravn

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4506183

Duration: 10m 25s

Rating: 13909