TSM vs CLG - BUGGED Game 1 (Aurelion Sol Bug) | Semi Finals S6 NA LCS Summer 2016 PlayOffs

The game was remade due to Aurelion Sol visual bug. according to the casters, in the last fight before the pause ( 20:05) TSM saw Aurelion Sol's stars circling and pulled back, while he was actually mid. TSM vs CLG - BUGGED Game 1 (Aurelion Sol Bug) | Semi Finals S6 NA LCS Summer 2016 PlayOffs LCK and LPL vods are posted on Senpai channel! LCK Summer 2016 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/LCK-2016-SUMMER LPL Summer 2016 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/LPL-2016-SUMMER There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel! You can always follow all games from both channels and news/updates on my FB page - facebook.com/Epicskillshot Please like/share/comment and sub if you haven't yet - it helps a lot! Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/epicskillshot


  1. is that the aurelion skin bug lol ?
  2. que paso?
  3. IT'S BACK #WORLDS2016
  4. Someone get Bjergsen a tampon
  5. Another reason why they should stop playing on new patches before playoffs
  6. What kind of monitors they use in they Lcs nice as hell
  7. the bug was seen only by TSM players from TSM computers said by TSM fans...
    yeah TSM had the gold lead before the remake, but the momentum, the plays, all on CLG side.. but then again, 3-0.
    so i guess, CLG just gave up on the series.

    plus TSM really is the better team this split. i am a CLG fan obviously, but i know when to accept defeat.

    TSM CLG C9 IMT ... any 3 will rock the LOL world
  8. congrats TSM... the good thing, you won by 3-0. the bad thing, you won because of the bug.
    naaahhhhh just kiddin. -)

    good luck NA
  9. Aurelion Sol was an inside job
  10. CheaTSM
  11. rigged as fuckkk. tsm just has more sponsors, , ride the wagon you fan girls. clg has more aggro first bloods get cucked

  12. Casters called Rek'Sa a he? Which is it, i though it was a she?
  13. biofrost is playing better than Yellowstar for real
  14. R I G G E D
  15. uhg i cant find it, where on the screen do i watch?
  16. 9 th like ?
  17. the bug doesn't show up here right? i understand tsm are saing they saw aurelion sol stars, but i didnt see his stars thingy at time stamp
  18. 33:10 They give up haha nice. Bugs happen brah
  19. So did this game count or no? Btw, great channel, i always miss the Streams of these games.
  20. The game was remade due to Aurelion Sol visual bug. according to the casters, in the last fight before the pause ( 20:05) TSM saw Aurelion Sol's stars circling and pulled back, while he was actually mid.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 98234

Duration: 33m 54s

Rating: 193