Why RIOT? Nasus main have a horrible addiction...to stacks... (Why I Hate)

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  1. Nasus season 7! LOL
  2. i triggers me how many farm he misses
  3. Veigar or shaco mains
  4. dawn of taym
  5. LMAO! "all 4 of your teammates need to corner you in top lane and have a fucking intervention" just pure gold Ross!
  6. I look at the map and gank mid often.not all nasus main are like that
  7. As a nasus main I have never heard of team fighting and what you call a "map"
  8. shhut up your noisy boy
  9. As a singed main i can relate, "oh 5 bot sweet, more minions for me!" unless they are 5 top, that happens too lol.
  10. As a Nasus main, I have to tell you that I look at the minimap every 15 seconds. I have to know when my "+6 with smite" arrives.
    Personally, after 1st tower, around 25 minutes if I''m ahead and I can confidently solo the enemy toplaner (who is pretty much the biggest 1v1 opponent of Nasus in the midgame), I just join the team. In this meta, the presence of the toplaner gives the spine of the push. When nasus goes in, rips that sine out and proceeds to rape the rest of the team with that same spine.... that's when the game ends.
  11. that moment when he shits on nasus's mains for lack of map awareness but if you go back you see Leona go into the river towards him xD Ross yours handsome but >.> cmon.
  12. lmao that's totally me. Nasus main here.
  13. Im Shen, Braum, Ziggs main. What u say bout those?
  14. I love you
  16. I have ended several games with nasus without moving from top...
  17. at 3:09 there was a cut cos he died xD
  18. Pyrocynical :)
  19. Where was 9999 damage??

Additional Information:

Visibility: 446172

Duration: 10m 12s

Rating: 3741