Worlds Largest Blue Whale Ever - Discovered in Sri Lanka


  1. does anyone here know you dont actually hunt blue whales
  2. click bait and fake title. also low quality and artifacting video obviously stolen
  3. 9:58 I don't think it bumped you by mistake.
  4. Wow Asha, superb subject matter expert on Blue Whales in the land of the Blue Whales that is equal to 4 times the airbus; she's so brave!!
  5. Should have killed it.... It is either them or us!
    You want to wait till they develope a fully working society with poetry, mathematics, science, nuklear power and a military complex that rivals the American warmachine or you want to end it now while we still have the upper hand?
    Save America, kill a whale.
  6. there is always something bigger. they went and measured all the blue whales i take it.
  7. Where's the "world's largest" part??
  8. Going through these comments it appears that all are cultured Buddhists and the belief In not taking life and blaming  Japan. The fact is countries that they occupy have committed atrocities beyond belief now they are trying to play the innocent card like typical criminals. Human animal as whole is the greatest pest to mother Earth they are likened to 7 large flies in the room. Mother Earth would not miss Humans. Be a worthy Human by searching FUND THE POUND FOUNDATION at
    Many are in need of your help
    Mother Earth will be less pissed off
    Thank You In Advance
  9. "it's the largest animal that's ever roamed the planet. It's immense, it's just unfathomable, it's built so perfectly, so stream lined."
    Gee lady thanks for the complement but please stop looking down my pants. A ha cha cha cha cha chaaa.
  10. So lets put this in prospective:
    They have the only population of blue whales that do not migrate.
    They were in a 30 year civil war prohibiting them from boating in the ocean.
    Now that they are allowed to use the ocean they are going to study them.
    they ived there un molested for years and new that!
    Dumb fucking humans..... dont study why they dont migrate, they are happy there... leave them alone dickfaces!
  11. I don't know if she can do it.... She's not a man
  12. and its 2017 !! got anything new on this ?
  13. So magnificent
  14. men are better then woman's
  15. lets nuke japan and China..
  16. Rest of the world: "Majestic, unfathomable, they changed my life."

    Japan:"Fuckayoo whale! Fuckayoo dolphin!"
  17. Is this page about Whales, or nagging woman(the guide)?
  18. LOVE seeing this my cetacean family💕🐬🐳. I wish laws and regulations to guide whale watch boaters to stay a safe distance for the Blues. As you see one of the small boat is way too close . Maybe someone will educate the small business owners. Conscious people will think twice before getting in one of these whale watching boats.
  19. blue whales r beautiful but my favorite whales r killer whales the king of sea animals
  20. humans are the biggest blight on the planet..i feel like the wrong speices ,were given the intel

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3552070

Duration: 11m 38s

Rating: 7391