i try the zero AD Varus challenge. To be honest. The ONLY reason why this is do-able is because of his W. His W does ap damage with every basic attack and can be exploded by his E. Building enough ap can explode a champion for 50% of their health with that one ability and can one-shot people. BUT This was EXTREMELY Difficult. Still managed to get an A-. but didn't have the best game in my opinion. AP Varus is tough to play and has a weird build. i believe that brofresco tried this once. Subscribe for more! Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Facebook: Follow me on Instagram:


  1. oy mate, i watched because im an AP varus main, you kinda arent getting why it is so strong. Imma tell you where you went wrong (despite the 0 ad, dorans blade is good) you can start w level one to help with farming, but because varus's base damages are so high, you should max his Q. it gives you good damage to work with in lane while you are stacking ability power to scale your blight stacks and ult damage. you do wanna build a nashors tooth first with cooldown boots. you also want a runan's hurricane instead of a wits end. it makes your teamfight strength much stronger by allowing you to spread blight to 3 people at once. also it helps for wave clear. you also want the rab cap, lich bane (because every ap varus combo requires you to weave in auto attacks) and im not sure about a last item, it depends on the situation really. but because im greedy i go for ludens for higher damage. either than or rylies crystal scepter for increased max health burn and magic penetration. also you want thunderlords (and you also wanna play him mid... XD) with a good lane combo being auto, auto, Chain of Corruption, auto, Hail of Arrows, auto auto Piercing arrow. you want to land as many autos before your engagement, but the 2 autos ensure that your chain of corruption procs thunderlords. this can be very deadly in lane, even without much ap because you are maxing q and the base damage is so good. the q comes last because by the time your combo is over they will be below half health and probably try to run away. your q has the highest range so it's your best to snipe with.
    trust me, I watch doctor shows. so remember, max q, w, and e last. Ap varus us really good if you practice.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3961

Duration: 41m 10s

Rating: 118